Saturday, April 18, 2020

Snow and sunshine - and our orders, please

April in Michigan, where we go from snow and hail to sunshine and a spike in temps within a few hours. Key is to dress like an onion: Lots of layers. Or -if you are like me- just stick to the polar fleece. It'll get cold again before you know it.

Yesterday's snow left the outdoor arena soggy, but the trails should be fine by tomorrow. I spent today with various online classes. I also got exciting new material on physical therapy and rehab for horses from Germany. As I jokingly texted Andra: All that extra knowledge and nowhere to go! Eventually I will put it to good use, and in the meantime I can practice on the guys at home (sorry, JP and Ziggy, equines only!).

It's funny how the horses have their 'besties' and how they stick together 2 + 2. Saumur and Teddy, Remy and Chambord.

Saumur (26) and Teddy (ancient):
Two "dirty old men" (they love to roll in the mud) enjoying the sunshine

"We are here for our curb-side dinner pick up.
 Orders for Chambord and Remy, please"

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