Friday, August 14, 2020

A different take on potty training - having fun with pole work

 This week JP went to Ikea and came back with a stack of children's potties - and we don't even have children! 

Great find at Ikea

I love doing pole exercises with the boys, and these potties are perfect as support. They elevate the poles just enough, prevent them from rolling, are easy to clean, and inexpensive. Riding over poles is a good motivational tool for horse and rider. The horse learns to look where it's going, lift the legs, and utilizes core muscles. The job of the rider is not to disturb the horse, aim at the middle of the poles, and think about various exercises (I do like the "110 pole work exercises" from "Listening to the horse"). 

One of two poles are enough to start. Guidelines for distance between poles:

Walk: Approx. 0.60m to 0.80m 

Trot: Approx. 1m to 1.30m

Canter: Approx. 2.8m to 3.5m

PVC poles decorated with tape from an equestrian supply catalog

1 comment:

  1. I've been using these potties for years as pole holders. They are only now beginning to break. They really are a great addition to the barn
