Monday, September 14, 2020

Changing the bend, work in progress - and "that's not me"

 Remy and I had a very good 'school week' - he is more and more consistent. We had one day where he came out a bit stiff and feeling stuck (it was an early lesson and he hadn't been turned out yet). Roz pulled a really good exercise (one of so many) out from under her mask: Half-pass, change the bend to leg yield, then change the bend again to half-pass - and voila: a nice and supple Remy!

We also found that changing the bridles help a lot with getting him more 'up' and 'through'. One day he goes in his snaffle, the next in the double. Then he has a day of long lining, and then back to being ridden each day in a different combination. The goal is to improve his carriage while keeping a very soft feel in the reins.

As I type this there is lots of activity outside the window: Trucks and heavy machinery making a ruckus. What we thought would never happen is actually happening - Our outdoor arena is getting redone! Yay! Today it's the grading, then laser leveling, drainage, and finally the footing. We are going with 2NS medium, sub-angular sand. JP is on the way to the gravel pit right now to get sand samples. Depth of  footing 1.5 to 1.75 inches. Roz had a super point (as always): The sand that gets delivered is usually wet, so once it dries it fluffs up and gets deeper. Footing too deep is a recipe for tendon injuries. 

Finally: Work in progress!

On a 'family note'- we adopted Bella, a 12 year old Vizla mix. The poor old girl had been abandoned twice. She and Ziggy are getting along very well and Bella is a very good girl. Unfortunately, though, Bella has a 'leaky problem'. Our job today: trying to get a urine sample for the vet. Never a dull moment...

Bella smiles as Ziggy looks a bit suspicious at the lady from the rescue
 (she had a very loud voice)

This cartoon is too funny and cute - and Michael thought it fits me to a 'T':

Nope, that's not me: I kept them both :-)

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