Sunday, November 15, 2020

Other women get flowers - I get lights

 I meant to post this earlier, but then time just got away from me. I've been very busy with my clients (thank you! I do appreciate all of you), and neglected updating the blog (thank you for all the gentle reminders!).

So, JP had his heart set at installing lights around the arena. I griped about it -yep, I admit it- because really, how likely is it that I want to ride in the cold and dark?? JP persisted and I relented (hmm, is there a pattern?? I'd rather say I pick my battles). But then, there could be days when the temperatures are fine, I'm running late, it's getting dark - so, why not?

And then there was light!

I was joking that "other women get flowers - I do get lights" - and wouldn't you know it, I got lights, flowers, plus a -newly repaired- fireplace. What more could woman want?? 😉
...and flowers

plus a lovely fireplace

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