Thursday, November 26, 2020

Billy Idol song on my mind - and we never worked that hard

 Last weekend Remy and I participated in a clinic with top judge and trainer Lilo Fore. What I had seen at a clinic years ago and liked: Tough, but with a sense of humor, extremely thorough... and VERY German (OK, the last one is not always a plus😉). 

But after watching some YouTube videos in preparation for our lessons I got all of a sudden quite nervous: Would Remy and I be up for the challenge? We would soon find out...

Day one we weren't long into the session when Billy Idol's song popped into my mind, and it's been there ever since. ..."in the midnight hour with a rebel yell, she cried MORE, MORE, MORE..." OK, it wasn't the midnight hour, and there was no rebel yell, but German accented yells of MORE, MORE, MORE. I swear Remy and I never worked that hard, and I never had him going so well. No more "not enough impulsion" for this pair! She basically scared us into the best medium canter ever, I thought we were flying. 

Day two all of a sudden Lilo asked me to carry the whip vertical, straight up in front of me. She hadn't been happy with my 'forward seat' and wanted me to sit up and straight. Well, that did the trick, plus Remy getting a glimpse of the whip behind his ears had him at attention. 

That was -almost- me😊

And why did the old masters carry the whip vertical? My friend Glenda, expert on all things classical dressage, had the explanation: It was to show independent use of seat, leg and hands. The double bridle reins were carried in the left hand, the whip in the right. You better had the horse on your aids!
"The raised whip shows supreme mastery of advanced collection and self-carriage without force. " Citation:

I have a lot of notes from the clinic, and I will post them in the next days. 

Happy -socially distanced- Thanksgiving! I'm off to ride Remy and then I have to pack Christmas parcels for Germany, write my client reports, clinic notes, Christmas cards, run the dogs, etc. etc. Luckily JP is in charge of dinner! And no, it won't be "Turkey for Two", seafood it is for us ("Bummer", say the dogs, "Yay!" say the cats).

As for the Christmas parcels, I'm already behind, but I guess better late than never. My friend and neighbor Angie did bail me out with some beautiful handmade gifts (can't say what obviously). And even better - she generously donates the proceeds to the local food bank.😍

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