Friday, January 29, 2021

Experiencing a new level of intensity - and a promise

 Yesterday Vanessa got on Remy to get a feel of how he is under saddle, which obviously helps her helping both of us. The good news: She is a beautiful rider, and Remy looked amazing. The "bad" news: JP couldn't stop raving about her all through dinner. Remy probably told Chambord the same over their dinner. 😀 Ah, well, I did join in, too!

It is a different level and intensity of riding than I'm used to. We both are asked to step up our game considerably. When I say intensity it doesn't mean "hauen und stechen" (and old German term for hitting and using spurs). Remy understands now that FORWARD means FORWARD, and a medium trot or canter is not a half-a**d effort. The boy is smart and it's almost like the genie is out of the bottle and he found his turbo. Hand me the racing goggles, my eyes are watering!

However, with all the excitement and intensity I made Remy a promise to always keep the following in mind:

"The most important thing which is lacking today is humanity.
Riding became a technique more than an art.
The horse has to obey more than to understand. And all too often it is just there for achieving personal glory and success."
(Christian Carde in an interview with Eurodressage, 2010)

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