I am one of these people that sweat long before actually sitting in the dentist's chair, even for just routine checkups: Bring on the Novocain and Nitrous Oxide ("laughing gas"), stat, please!
The horses have it easier, they don't see that appointment looming on their calendar way in advance. They know it when Doug van Cleve, our Equine Dentist, shows up with his tool kit. Doug has been working on our horses for many years, he is an 'old-fashioned' guy, which means he does not use power tools. I try to have everybody on a six-month check up schedule. Until last time we never needed the vet to be there for sedation, but Chambord has decided he'd rather be on the safe side and 'ask' to be 'mellowed'. They way he 'asked' was pretty clear: he alternately reared, or kicked the walls with all his force.
So this time we had our vet here, too. It worked well, as Teddy needed his spring vaccinations anyway. To make it easier for the boys (and the dentist and me) everybody except Teddy got a bit of a 'mellow-shot'. It's amazing to watch Doug work. Saumur needed work on his right molars, Chambord's teeth had 'waves', Remy and Teddy just needed some basic floating (Doug noted that Remy's five-year old incisors are coming in). The boys were all great.
So maybe I should just ask my vet for a 'mellow-shot' before going to my next dental appointment?
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