Saturday, February 16, 2013

"He is a lover, not a fighter" - and the boys are back to school

While Judy spent some well-deserved vacation days in the sun, the boys got to play in the snow at home. I thought a break from working in the indoor arena would be good for them, and we had planned trail rides in the snow. Unfortunately, the ice on the trails nixed that idea. Luckily the ground at home held up and it was a lot of fun seeing all four of them kicking up their heels, running and playing for long stretches. That, coupled with plenty of 'spoiling' certainly made their time off enjoyable, perhaps not as much as getting a massage on the beach...

Alas, on Friday it was back to work with Judy, and today I had a lesson on Remy. I can't repeat often enough how much fun he is, even when things are not exactly going as planned. Judy hit the nail on the head with her remark "Remy is a lover, not a fighter". He tries very hard to be good, but sometimes he  just has to test the waters "Hello, are you with me and paying attention??"

Karen, the freestyle designer, sent me trot music for Saumur. I was all pumped up today, until I realized that none of our ancient boom boxes (ignored and covered in dust) worked. After all, this is the age of "I-" anything. But taking my iPad and speakers to the barn didn't seem to be such a great idea. So, off I went, and low and behold, there are still boom boxes for sale, cheap enough that should Remy decide a boom box makes a fun toy (he picks up whatever he can get between his teeth) it won't break the bank.

I already have a pretty good idea which music selection I like, let's hope Saumur agrees!

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