Wednesday, February 20, 2013

"Honey - I'm moving out!'

Well, at least that is what the neighbors would have thought if they could have seen me this morning. Good thing that we don’t have neighbors living that close. Today is one of those days where I have to go to the barn straight from work in order to make it in time for my lesson. On days when I’m just riding I’ll swing by at home to change.

This morning I would have made any Lastesel (pack mule) proud: Large purse, big Laptop bag, huge Barn Bag containing all the must-haves including  boombox, plus a giant garment bag with all my “it’s too friggin’ cold” riding clothes. Oh, yes, and the boot bag, of course, containing sheepskin lined winter riding boots! So really, this would have almost called for a U-Haul.

While I left the Barn Bag in my car, I lugged the garment bag into my office. Not much worse than changing into frozen clothes on a 17F day! Here is the drawback of having the corner office with all the windows: It clearly is NOT suitable as changing room.  So, I’ll be schlepping everything to the barn tonight, change in the bathroom, load the car with the office outfit and eventually I might be ready for my lesson.

But there will be no confusion on my intentions when I’m unloading my car tonight at home: “Honey – I’m home!”

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