Sunday, February 17, 2013

Instead of choosing music - the hunt for compression socks

The best laid plans don't always work out (duh!). The plan for today was that both JP and I would have a lesson each. Chambord even had a sleepover at Topline so he didn't have to travel back and forth. Well, when we got to Judy's it was 9F (and the 'F' might well stand for something else...). We all decided that riding would have to be nixed. I was really bummed because now that I'm the proud owner of a functioning boombox I really wanted to get Saumur's trot music selected. Saumur's only action this morning was a roll in the indoor arena, which he thoroughly enjoyed.

So, all of a sudden I had time on my hands, quite unusual. Off I went in search of compression stockings... and no, I'm not ready head for the nursing home! My upcoming trip to China next Sunday will have me cooped up 16+ hours on a plane. The thought alone is not exactly amusing. But, thorough person that I am, I did my research and found out that in addition to electrolytes and taking baby Aspirin, compression stockings are highly recommended. By the third pharmacy I hit pay dirt, and found some that actually look like regular trouser socks.

Even though I didn't get to chose my music today I got treated to watching such a fabulous freestyle (on the Reiten St-Georg website)  it gave me shivers: Helen Langehanenberg and Damon Hill, scoring over 87%  for a truly amazing ride at the Neumuenster show. They got several 10s for harmony between rider and horse. Now, compression stockings in hand, I have a stunning picture in my head.

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