Saumur and I definitely qualify as 'old couple' (sometimes also the "odd couple"). Over the course of the years we've come such a long way and we have been through so much it's no surprise that we have each others numbers. But with that knowledge also comes a certain acceptance - which is good when it comes to certain idiosyncrasies such as "I will load into the trailer only a certain way", not so good when it comes to the standards of training. And yes, I have to admit, Saumur has trained me well - the other way round I'm not always so sure.
Enter Judy, who made it her mission to "raise our standards". With Remy being sidelined (more on his antics later) until his dental appointment on Tuesday, Saumur is the 'beneficiary' of our combined attention. After one of Judy's rides on him last week I got an enthusiastic text "it was almost easy!". OK, we'll take "almost easy" any day! What she meant was the work on improving Saumur's collection, and subsequently his changes. Luckily I got to reap the benefit of their work, during my lessons this weekend Saumur stayed in good self-carriage most of the time, and I actually felt like I could keep him on my seat. We were able to go in and out of the changes in more collected manner, which improved the quality of the changes. Yes, it was "almost easy"! So, who says old couples can't learn new tricks?? OK, so the 'tricks' are not tricks, but a correct way of doing things, and so what if the 'old couple' needs a coach to achieve the bliss? :-)
Remy, our 'petit voyou' is having Spring fever. Finally, there is a hint of Spring and sunshine in the air, and everybody is brightening up. Although, some of us are overdoing the 'brightening': Yesterday I decided to longe Remy with a cavesson in the outdoor arena. He started well behaved enough, but then evidently things were getting too boring. Several big "Yee-ha's" later he had ripped the longe line out of my (gloved) hands and was happily tearing around the arena, longe line flying like a flag behind him. But as soon as one of the barn workers walked to the fence he trotted over to say "Hi"' to her, and then calmly walked back with me. Adolescent males!! Remy's 'reward' was a trip home for more playtime. As I'm typing this he, Chambord, and Teddy are kicking up their heels so hard that our neighbors might wonder if we acquired some bucking broncs!
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