Friday, November 8, 2013

A colicky pony gets a break - and a date

Teddy colicked again on Tuesday evening. This time I wanted to spare him the twitch/tube experience and called the Equine Homeopath that helped us with Crissy. Sue came right away (luckily she doesn't live far from us) and got to work examining Teddy and administering different remedies (I.e. Nux Vomica, Arnica M) and probiotics. Teddy seemed to get pain relief quickly, but it took him a while to really turned the corner. Around and around we went on our circular driveway, with Sue carrying the flashlight. When finally it seemed like he turned the corner we tucked him into his bed and kept checking.

By the next morning he seemed fine but I was very reluctant to leave as planned for Kentucky to cheer for Judy at the National Dressage Championships. Sue came to the rescue: she offered Teddy a sleepover at her barn, hot date included! How could I deny the pony-man that?! So Teddy traveled like a Pro in our trailer,  swaggered up to the very cute pony-mare... And wouldn't you know it: they immediately hit it off! Bet lots of people wish their first dates would go that well...

So, with our far sitter Dolores taking care of the rest of the crew we made it to the Kentucky Horse  Park today. Just in time to watch Judy win her PSG class with 71.18%. Now she just has repeat it on Sunday in her Championship class: Piece of cake! (how's that for a vote of confidence, Jude?)

It was a beautiful day in the KY Horse Park, but clearly Dressage has a long way to go in the heartland of racing. Very few spectators, nothing compared to European shows. Hopefully, over time this will change.

Over and out - JP and I are off to Le Deauville for a lovely French dinner. Romance is not just for the ponies!

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