Sunday, November 10, 2013

Reflecting on the National Championships - 'Likes' and 'Dislikes'

We just came back from KY - JP and I had a great weekend. However, I felt there was definitely room for improvement at the National Dressage Championships. I knew full well that I couldn't expect something along the lines of German National Championships, but still....

So here I go with my very own personal list of thumbs up and thumbs down.

1) Watching a beautiful, classy lady stay cool under pressure on her amazing mare: Judy! (Several thumbs up!)
2) Carolyn, Chris, and Barbara all doing well in their FEI classes
3) Watching Team Topline work together like a well oiled machine
4) Kentucky Horse Park and the International Museum of the Horse
5) Kentucky Bourbon Ale Brewery; Bluegrass Sundown: Yumm!
6) Amazing dinners at Le Deauville
7) My new PJs (*grin*)
8) Weather complied, meaning there was some sun and it didn't rain, we won't mention the freezing wind
9) Driving the golf cart - It was my maiden voyage. Thanks, Gerry!
10) George inviting Remy and me back for a training week in Ohio next year 

1) Showgrounds difficult to navigate for spectators
2) Lack of spectators! (Several thumbs down)
3) Lousy food (or better: almost no food) for spectators. If you didn't sign up for VIP seating you were relegated to a choice of hot dog or burger
4) Limited shopping, nothing compared to Rolex (my credit card was spared a work out)
5) Awards ceremonies not worth mentioning
6) Last but not least: Politics in judging...

Let's see, the likes still outweigh the dislikes.

I really loved watching how Judy very focused went through the warm up;  and ride with the quiet determination, grace, and beauty that lies in the harmony she has with Benise. The score in her championship ride did not reflect this, but she did not complain. (It didn't keep the rest of us from grumbling, though).

It's that "complete package" that separates the "Spreu vom Weizen" (OK, I make it easy for you, literally translated it means separating the chaff from the wheat). The good stuff stands out: Many Thumbs Up for you, Jude!

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