Sunday, October 25, 2015

A bumpy week - and right out of central casting?

Well, the Europe trip was not a gift but it kept on giving anyway... in the form of a severe cold/flu. I felt it coming on Monday but decided to ignore it, and also to keep my lesson with Maryal on Tuesday. Fazit: Remy: Good - Birgit: Not so much ("Renvers? hmm, can't remember"). Maryal, sweet lady that she is, kept is easy for us. Afterwards I crashed, developed fever, and finally had to stay in bed.

While the thought of staying in bed might generally sound enticing, it's no fun when you are burning up, getting chills, sneezing, coughing, and have a killer headache... all the while strange men are in the house, sanding the floors and staining same. Yep, it was the week the kitchen and hallway hardwood floors were getting redone. Oh, and I forgot to mention that this also meant all five of us were cramped in one bedroom - the other four being JP and the cats. Julius, the barn cat (a strictly honorary title nowadays) is especially fond of me and loves to put his paws around my neck. Needless to say, sleep was not in the cards.

Luckily I'm one tough (fill in the blanks) and got back on my feet quite quickly. Today the weather was just perfect, and we had a lovely trailride. On the way home a car facing us came to a stop, a man got out and set up equipment. What was he up to? When we got closer we saw it was an elaborate camera kit on a tripod. He asked us if he could take pictures of us because "You guys look like right out of central casting". Hmm... now the question beckons: Central casting for what kind of movie???

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