Sunday, October 11, 2015

A run in with Rosie the Yorkie - and he's filling in for me

A beautiful fall weekend - perfect weather for a trailride. We hadn't even reached the park entrance when all off a sudden Rosie, the Yorkshire Terrier, ran out of her yard, straight between the horses legs! Rosie is cute as a button, full of energy, and has no sense whatsoever of self-preservation.

While I yelled at her owner to come get her Chambord and Remy just curiously observed the little dervish dashing in between their legs, and right under their tails. Good boys, they didn't get rattled or tried to kick Rosie away. Good thing it wasn't Saumur, he would have killed her with one swift kick, as his sense of self-preservation is off the charts.

Speaking of rattled - Saumur and I have a lot in common when it comes to that. I'm getting ready to hit the plane for Europe later this afternoon, and well, let's just say, "this ain't my first rodeo" but it still sometimes feels like it!

First Rosie, then two horses cantering up behind us on the trails, and Remy was a trooper. He clearly had to fill in for his unfocused rider by staying calm and with it during those incidents. But then he showed me in no uncertain terms that this was his time and I better pay attention. From then on all was well on the trails of Kensington.

This definitely called for lots of carrots for the boys and well, yes, something liquid and alcoholic for me!

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