Monday, October 19, 2015

Don't blow away - and a distinct advantage

Finally home and back on the horse. The trip to France was strenuous, starting out with no clothes. Well, OK, I had the ones I wore, but other than that: Rien. It took two days to be reunited with my suitcase, and let me tell you, I bought the most expensive deodorant of my life at the airport in Geneva. The things you do for your colleagues!

Remy in the meantime was at school, Judy being motivated by a "European chocolate bribe" to work on his changes. I jokingly asked her today if she earned the chocolates, and she solemnly said yes. All in good fun!

The weather was not exactly with me today, very high winds rattling the indoor arena. I opted for outdoors, where the furniture and muck bucket went on a merry chase. Oh, great. Luckily Remy kept it together, as did Chambord. Impressive, because usually high winds put horses on high alert. No lack of energy today, that's for sure. I was ready for a one rein stop, but I never needed it.

All the rich French food (including dessert after every lunch AND dinner) seemed to have given me a distinct advantage: My center of gravity firmly stayed in the saddle: No blowing this woman off!

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