Friday, April 15, 2016

Are we ready for an Olympian? - and Happiness before Cleanlines

Good rides this week? Check!
Feeling confident? Check!
Looking forward to being challenged? Check!
Ready to deal with an audience? Check!

Our weekend with Jan is here. It's been a year since our last lesson, and Remy has changed a lot. Last time we worked on walk - canter transitions, and walk - canter transitions, and then some more... walk - canter transitions. Hopefully, this time around we'll do better.

I am looking forward to it, but it's still difficult for me not to get worried. What if... Remy spooks, I get distracted by the auditors, I can't breathe (because I don't want to wear the face mask), etc. etc. The barn is in full cleaning mode. Windows are getting washed, floors swept and of course the horses are buffed to a shine by Kim, groom to the equine stars at the barn.

Remy got a good brushing today (by yours truly), and a not so stellar haircut (also by yours truly), but as his happiness is more important to me than cleanliness he will get turned out before our lesson. That guarantees a very dirty horse, as he unfailingly rolls.

I take sides with a German Grand Prix rider that proudly spreads he motto "Knock off the dirt and ride!".  Cleaning the grime off Remy means I will be filthy in turn. Oh well, we might not be the cleanest, but we have other qualities (so I hope).

And I'll try to keep in mind what I read on a church sign today:

Worry is a misuse of your imagination.

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