Sunday, April 10, 2016

Spring! What Spring?! - And at least my legs will be ready

Opening my email this morning required a lot of restraint so my envious gene didn't get the better of me. Antje had sent me beautiful pictures of her garden where everything is in full bloom and looks just stunning. She lives in Buehl/Baden in Germany's foothills of the Black Forest. I glanced out my window and was about the crawl back under the covers: 26F and snow.

Alas, no rest for the weary: Hand-walking is on the schedule, and by Jove, hand-walking we do. Saumur luckily has found his "chill" button and gamely walks with me no matter what circumstances. His recovery is going remarkably well and he will 'graduate' next week from stall rest to turnout in a small paddock.

Remy and I have the Jan Ebeling clinic coming up next weekend, It's the first time that we will do both sessions. I am looking forward to it and for once it works out that a) I'm home and not on a business trip, or jet-lagged from just returning; and b) we are working on more fun stuff/advanced movements now.

Jan's lessons are intense and rider and horse better be fit. On the fitness level I feel fairly confident, as I expressed to Judy in a text: "After riding Remy I walked two hours with Saumur and one hour with the dogs, I think at least my legs will be ready for Jan!".

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