Sunday, April 3, 2016

Sun, Rain, Snow: We walk - and a reminder what it's all about

Saumur continues to do remarkably well. Thursday: Rain. Friday: Cloudy. Saturday: Snowstorm. Sunday: Snow and Ice... and we walked in all conditions. The goal is to get Saumur out three times a day, even though he seems perfectly happy in his stall as long as he has a full hay net in front of his nose.

With all that walking I burn about 400 - 600 calories more per day (says the app on my phone), and good socks are essential. Stephanie to the rescue: I had admired the hand knit socks a friend of hers is knitting to stave off arthritis. While Stephanie can't join me on my walks (she's in Germany), she can take care of my feet: 10 pairs of socks arrived in a care parcel on Saturday. And she has also taken care of my caloric intake: My cupboards sport three glasses of Italian (!) Nutella.

While walking Saumur during the snowstorm in the park on Saturday an 'apparition' materialized right in front of us: A beautiful Friesian came charging up the hill. The rider grinned from ear to ear and shouted "Perfect day for a ride, sorry to have startled you, dear!"

It reminded me that this is how it should be: Enjoying the ride, living in the moment, and not to worry about chasing scores, points and rankings!

(And yes, I was startled - but more so by being called "dear").

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