Wednesday, May 25, 2016

And the whirlwind continues - Horseshow to Beijing to Police Horse Training

Quick recap: "Ride for the Roses" was a great experience, definitely several steps in the right direction. Even though Remy still got rattled in the warm up we were able to make it into the ring and ride through 2-3 without major hiccups. Sure, there was plenty of room for improvement, but we did it!


Then off I went to China, 16 hours on the plane to Shanghai, only to hop on another plane the next morning to Changha. Back to Shanghai, and from there to Beijing. I decided to stay the weekend in Beijing and book a tour. We were only five people on the tour, which was great. Tian Amen Square, the Forbidden City, and best of all: The hike on the Great Wall at Mutianyu. That truly was the experience of a life time.

There is a horse in the picture!

On top of the world!

The wall was constructed for five horses and riders to walk abreast

Back home I am still struggling with the 12 hour time difference and finally had to resort to pop a Tylenol PM last night in order to get some sleep. Big day today: Remy’s first session at the police horse training!

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