Thursday, May 5, 2016

Europe - Rolex Kentucky - and off to "Ride for the Roses"

It's been a whirlwind the last couple of weeks. Strategy Meetings in Lyon, where the greeting was "Lady and Gentlemen" (the "Lady" being yours truly amongst 45 men). Hitch on the way back: The gate agent in Lyon couldn't find my connection in Amsterdam, and it was a hassle to get a boarding pass back to the States.

Back home we went straight away to Rolex Kentucky, first to be drenched on X-C Day, and then sunburned while watching the Stadium Jumping - only to be drenched again. But it was FUN, and of course, seeing Michi Jung win was again the icing on the cake. Coming home we had a shocking discovery - Max, our geriatric Viszla, had taken a turn for the worse and it seemed his end was near. But by the time our vet came Max had pulled himself up again, and he is doing better. It sure is a roller coaster ride with animals. Saumur's recuperation is going much better than expected, we started regular turnout this week and Saumur is happy to be back with Teddy, the pony-man.

Now it's time to "Ride for the Roses" in Cincinnati. It was kind of a spur of the moment decision, Judy has one young rider going and we decided to hitch a ride along. I like the place, and Remy did well last time there. Let's see how it goes. Technically we don't have any problems, it's the mental aspect that's the crux of the matter - for both of us. One of us has to be the "Big Boy" or "Big Girl" respectively - I wonder who it will be??

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