Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Chased by a girl twice his size - and "how could he ever be your war horse?"

Today was the big day: Training with the Washtenaw Mounted Police and Brandt. Remy is such an easy going guy, tacking him up while tied to the trailer is a piece of cake.

His fellow 'students' were two massive Percherons and a Quarterhorse. When the Percherons galloped the earth seemed to shake. Brandt had Remy weave in and out between the horses, first in the walk, then in the trot and canter. He also worked with him so he faced the other horses head on. All situations where Remy gets very worried and spooks. Much to our delight Remy kept his cool, even when the (Percheron) girl was giving him chase at a full gallop. No wonder he didn't mind - she sure was pretty!

I was getting a bit worried about the length of work in the heat, usually we are done with arena work after 45 minutes, and by the time I mentioned something 1.5 hours had passed in the heat and dust. In his very nice and calm way Brandt suggested that it's time to acknowledge that Remy is a grown up and I'm coddling him way too much. "How could he ever be your war horse if he has no stamina?" - Point taken! That's why we are preparing for the next 'battle' (aka 'horse show').

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