Sunday, August 21, 2016

A 'stony' week - and where is a Dry Cow when I need one?

That was quite the week. Last Sunday JP went to Urgent Care because of intense pain, and by Monday at Midnight we ended up in the Emergency Room at the local hospital. Yes, it was the night shift, but we came across the most unfriendly nurses we had ever met. JP got a morphine drip, and that did a number on him. CT scan showed plenty of kidney stones, working their way through his system. Poor guy. Six hours later I took my 'stoned' (in both senses) hubby home.

Needless to say, not much riding going on during the week. Remy was good for Judy, and when I finally climbed on Friday he was a very good boy. However, when I cleaned his hooves he was uncharacteristically touchy, pulling his right hind away from me and even kicking out. Closer inspection of the hoof showed that the poor guy has thrush, which explains his reaction.

At home I soaked his hoof in salt water, but what I really needed was "Dry Cow" - a product to cure bovine mastitis. It comes in syringes and gets squirted right into the teats of the cow. It is non caustic, and will take care of the inflammation. I had used this on Saumur years before, and rummaging through my drawers revealed one syringe - with an expiration date of 2013. Oh, well, better than nothing.

On the bright side, after an excruciating week JP's stones had worked their way through his system - Yay! As soon as they were gone JP was (almost) as good as new.

With JP off the sick list I continued my quest to score "Dry Cow". Country living has its advantages: The second farm supply store I hit carried a 12 pack. I didn't even get any strange looks at check out - guess by now I blend in so well that a bovine mastitis product looks just like another item on my shopping list. Hmm??

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