Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Move those haunches - and his dancing card is pretty full

Scott, part of our father-son, awesome farrier team came yesterday and worked on Remy's hoof. He cut out the dead tissue, cleaned the heel area, and applied 'Dry Cow'. Remy was much less ouchy today, so I tempted to take him to our lesson.

JP - sans stones- took Chambord and they both had a blast cantering along. Clearly, less ballast is good :-).

While I still have a hard time breathing in the indoor arena, the footing sure is wonderful for the horses legs, soft and cushiony but supportive. Remy started out as usual (rather pulling than pushing), but then got with the program. We had a pretty amazing ride. Our haunches in's and half-passes weren't quite to Judy's liking at the beginning (I admit - even if she were easier to please it wouldn't have been up to snuff). So she had us do head to the wall leg yields, basically taking the bend out of the haunches in. Once we had that down pat we moved to the half-passes in canter and trot, and sure enough, it flowed. It is just such an awesome feeling when it all just seems to click, no effort, just a dance. I better remember that next time we hit another stumbling block!

Afterwards Judy and I went through the September schedule, and boy, Remy's dancing card is brimming: Jan, Police Horse Training, one day at Waterloo Dressage, Long Reining Clinic, Feldenkrais Workshop ... Not much room left for flirting with other adventures, pretty as they might be.

Remy does have a definite ace up his sleeve when it comes to managing his calendar: A very skilled Executive Assistant (yours truly). As for me? "Selbst ist die Frau!" ("Self reliance is the name of the game" - at least for this woman!)

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