Sunday, August 7, 2016

There goes my "Saddle for Life" - and another notch in our belts

The good news: Remy's body is developing exactly as it should - or in Luanne's (the saddle fitter) words to our mutual friend Glenda "I'm not sure what they are doing but it must be good, the horse looks great!" The not so good news: Remy outgrew his saddle, even though it's adjustable. I had assumed that like Saumur's saddle it would be a "Saddle for Life" (OK, the company's slogan is "Saddle Fit for Life" and not "Saddle for Life"). My bad.

Remy's growth in the shoulders combined with his short back does require a 'relief wedge' to take the pressure off his loins. So either I have the underside of my current saddle completely changed to the tune of $1.2K and 2 months without a saddle or I get a new saddle. Uff! Luanne came to the barn on Friday to let me try a wide range of saddles to see if there is any style I like better than my current Triumph. To my relief I did not fall in love with any of the top $$ saddles, and in the end I decided to order the same model I have with the different panels. No need to change a good thing when you have one. The other not so good news: The saddle has a three month lead time. Guess business is brisk and Canadians have a lot of vacation time...

Yesterday JP, Remy and I ventured to Waterloo for schooling. Yes, the scene of the 'crime' (cracked leg), and I was not overly keen on it. But it needed to be done, and the conditions were excellent for our purposes: Small show, almost empty warm up arenas. We hauled in, tacked up, and off we went. Remy was a really good boy, he got to work in the warm up arenas and hardly batted an eye.

We couldn't do it without our coach/groom/driver/moral support/kick in the a**

Veni, vidi, vici

(Latin for "I came, I saw, I conquered")

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