Tuesday, July 26, 2016

One more layer - and he gets an "A+" for his performance

All the boys were due for dental check ups, so up drove the Vetmobil and delivered Dr. Crystal with assistant and tools. It took me a long time to get comfortable with a vet using power tools, as in the early years there were plenty of horror stories about things gone wrong. It is so much more horse friendly, though, especially in the hands of a skilled and caring vet. We are lucky to have found just the right person.

Both Remy and Chambord had sharp edges and needed the ridges adjusted. Oh, how sweet it is to say "I was right!" as indeed Remy had the sharp edges on the left side where I felt the bit getting 'caught'. So we peeled away the last layer - and really, Remy, trust me: You are in perfect health!

Once Teddy heard the power tools getting into gear he decided he wanted no part of this. So what does the little stinker do? He shows all the signs of colic: Laying down, rolling, looking at his belly, not wanting to eat. Of course, with the expert right there, Teddy got checked out immediately.

Guess what: This pony is one smart cookie - all his vitals were perfectly fine. Once the tools were turned off and he was back out with Saumur life was good again. Teddy gets an "A+" for his performance. I didn't have the heart tell him that all his acting efforts were for nil, as he didn't need any dental work in the first place --

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