Thursday, July 7, 2016

Playtime in the Huron River - and get the cookies out

We got an early start today in order to beat the heat and deer flies. It's been a long time since we went "a l'autre cote" (the other side) of the trails. That meant the horses had to navigate a steep descent in order to get to the trails, which they did with aplomb, Remy being the fearless leader. It was absolutely beautiful this morning. Granted, the deer flies were out in full force, but with the hoods and plenty of spray it was manageable.

We followed the trail over a bridge and into the Huron River, where Chambord had an absolute blast. He's like a little kid splashing in the water, and if he can everyone else soaking wet: Success. Remy had to test the waters first (I almost ended up on his neck, the way he dove down with his nose), but then he was ready to go for a swim.

What an awesome start to the day. My "teenager" JP was full of himself, cantering off so quickly that Remy had to put the afterburners in as he for sure didn't want to be left behind Chambord.

On the last bend home though Chambord realized that this ride was way more than his usual bargain: Serious OT (overtime)! That required several additional cookies for him to perk up again.

That reminds me that I better get the cookies out for JP: Soccer semi-final world cup game Germany vs. France this afternoon. On second thought - forget the cookies, he'll need something far stronger after the German win :-)!

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