Thursday, July 21, 2016

Peeling the onion Part 1 - and bring on the fireworks

Busy schedule for Remy: Luanne, the saddle fitter, met us at Brandt's yesterday morning to check if the saddle causes the soreness. The trip to Brandt was a bit of a nail biter: We ran into a myriad of detours, road closings, and ended up smack downtown Ann Arbor.

Luanne measured Remy's back and found the crux of the matter: His shoulder angle has changed from 55 to 67 in the six months since last fitting. The more developed shoulders pushed my weight onto is lumbar region - hence the sore spots. Good news: It can be fixed - temporarily on my current saddle, long term either the bottom of my saddle needs to be replaced to accommodate a smaller area, or I need a new saddle. Sigh! But, it's like good shoes: Fit and function are crucial. OK, maybe not the best analogy, at least when it comes to my shoes looks overrule function more often than not.

From saddle fitting to police horse work: We strapped on his riot gear and off he went, through fireworks and gunshot sounds. What a brave boy!

JP makes sure that the hairdo is perfect!

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