Friday, July 15, 2016

"You almost got him a Porsche" - and bumps in the road

All was well during our lesson until Judy asked me to collect Remy more before the flying change. We were on the short diagonal going towards Judy, she clucked... and Remy spun and bolted. I hung on by a hair. After some deep breaths we continued, and it happened again - this time no clucking involved.

There were no seemingly obvious triggers, aside from more collection - and that can do it. I half-joked with Judy that she almost got JP his Porsche (JP has been lusting after a 911 ever since he sold the last one eons ago). Meaning: My life insurance would have provided the funds for his dream car. Hmm!?!

Without joking, something is clearly 'off'. That is so not Remy, especially as he had been working really well. We suspect he is hurting somewhere, which wouldn't be a surprise given how rough he sometimes plays with his buds, and also given the increase in load on his hindquarters.

So, next step is an appointment with Anke, an Equine Therapist with lots of tools in her tool box (massage, structural alignment, Laser, etc.). Leaving no stone unturned I also scheduled a physical with our vet.

We'll figure out what's going on - hopefully it doesn't turn out that Remy just wanted to help JP getting his 911!

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