Thursday, July 21, 2016

Peeling the onion Part 2 - and "We can do everything, except.."

The final part of peeling the onion - aka getting to the crux the matter: Vet Exam. Remy hasn't had a thorough soundness test since the pre-purchase exam in Montana. Of course, he's up to date on everything, but soundness was never an issue so there was just no need to dig. Remy is currently getting a lot of "FTMs" (Frequent Trailer Miles) as I took him to Judy's for the exam.

Good news: All is well! Aside from some slight sensitivity in his right hind flexor tendon everything checked out just fine. The recommendation is to cold hose after work, or use ice boots.

Judy mentioned to me afterwards that she suspects that Remy just can't handle the pressure of the work, and that is the reason for his spooks/spins. She might have a point, if that's the case he needs a different program.

Somehow the situation reminds me of a saying we have in my hometown, Stuttgart. Stuttgart is known for its inventive people, and some of the most well known companies like Mercedes and Porsche are headquartered there. The people in the area speak "Schwaebisch" (Swabian), a southern German dialect, and are often made fun of exactly due to that dialect. Well, the good Swabians are full of pride and created the slogan:

"Wir koennen alles ausser Hochdeutsch" ("We can do everything, except speak standard German").

Remy currently says: "Ich kann alles, ausser auf Dressur Turnieren ruhig bleiben" ("I can do everything, except staying chill at dressage shows")!

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