Friday, July 1, 2016

Cow working followed by dressage lessons with an Olympian

From cow working to dressage lessons with an Olympian. Never a dull moment for Remy and me!

I knew from past experience that Jan is demanding and there is not time for dawdling or idle chit chat, which is perfectly fine by me. At that lesson rate the seconds are expensive. But today was more exhaustive than usual, mainly due to the footing. I opted to ride outside, we had rain the morning but the footing looked good and I was told by other people it rode well. My vanity made the decision easy, inside I would have had to wear the face mask.

Well, pride goes before a fall... or in this case it's vanity... Remy felt pretty stuck, almost like riding through molasses. My little man worked his hind quarters off, that's for sure. Jan got after me about my shoulders and right hand (ugh, like last time), and he had us do a ton of canter-trot transitions with the focus of being prompt and using the engine. Our shoulder-ins, haunches-ins, and half-passes were getting pretty good, but I hated the fact that I had to push Remy that hard.

I'm proud of Remy, he didn't whine, tried his darndest, didn't spook when Jan came into his space, and stayed relax. That is all I can ask for.

In terms of work-out, though: Three hours of a cow-working clinic is less exhausting than 45 min. with an Olympian. Now where did I put the Motrin??

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