Thursday, June 30, 2016

There is a large ice cream cone waiting - if I nail the changes

Remy and I are back into the swing of -dressage- things. Both rides this week were very good, Remy stayed soft and responsive to my aids. I felt that I have a better handle on my position.

Our 'task-master' Judy was so happy that she asked me to go for a flying change. That had been a 'no-no' so far, as Judy wants our canter to be perfect for the changes. Also Remy has to be very quick and responsive to my leg aids, and that had been an issue in the past.

I was so surprised that Judy would let us do it that I completely knotted my legs (figuratively). Wait - what are the aids again?? Obviously not throwing my body around. That was the go-to solution with Saumur, but obviously it is a NO-NO with Remy. Remy likes his changes, and Judy said he is one of the easiest horses she ever worked with when it comes to flying changes. Wow! And of course she doesn't want me to mess it up. Duh!

After a few muddled attempts I managed to get a clean one, a bit late to my aids but we'll take it. Remy got his carrots and JP and I went to Cooks Dairy for their home-made ice-cream. They sure are not kidding when it comes to the part of "cream" in ice-cream.

There might be a large cone in the future for me - but only if I get the changes right!

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