Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Day 2: "Thank you for not falling off!"

Saturday built on the exercises and experiences from the day before. "Dry" (no cattle) exercises first, and then working the cattle. The herd had to be moved into different areas of the pastures, always keeping the "rodeer" (rodear/round shape). Then we moved them through a chute made out of barrels. Turned out those critters are pretty cunning, and they were zooming into the lush grass and not necessarily the chute.

Remy had some issues with closeness and displayed some serious spins. He, and some of the other horses, took exception to the shenanigans of Norman the steer. Norman had better ideas on what to do with the female cattle then being herded by a bunch of horses. The horses weren't to thrilled to observe his mating attempts, and several spooked. After a particularly 'interesting' spin from Remy Brent smiled and thanked me for not falling off.

I am thanking the neck strap I put around Remy's neck for that compliment!

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