Sunday, June 19, 2016

Variety is the spice of life - and he has a lot of tricks up his leg wraps

Remy's weekend: Friday: Cowboy Eventing. Saturday: Eat and play with best buds in the pastures. Sunday: Enjoying the trails of Kensington.
Next week: Dressage, a cavaletti-lesson, and then a 3 day clinic "Horsemanship with cows".

Not many horses get exposed to such a wide variety of experiences. Remy might be a bit behind some of his peers when it comes solely to dressage - no, he is not an 8 year old PSG horse. He is, however, on the road to becoming an extremely versatile and well-rounded individual. Not to mention that he is well progressing on 3rd level, and he loves his flying changes!

In hindsight, his spooking issue at shows turned out to be such a great opportunity to experience all kind of different areas of horsemanship. (To be honest, initially I had to look really hard to see the silver lining in this). With smooth sailing we would most likely never have gone to a rodeo, tried cowboy eventing, police horse work, or looked forward to a cow clinic. Instead I might have been so caught up in shows, scores, placings, and year-end points that I would have missed out on so many wonderful adventures. I never wanted a "one trick pony" anyway - and for sure, Remy has a lot of tricks up his sleeves, uh, leg wraps. And hey, it's fun to write about!

As to adding more spice to my life: It's hay season -  200 bales of hay are waiting for JP and me to be picked up, transported home, unloaded, and then stacked in our barn. No lack of exercise here. I'm adding sugar to the spice, though, as currently I have a huge pot of strawberries and rhubarb simmering on the stove: Homemade marmalade - Yumm!

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