Sunday, June 12, 2016

Exciting times ahead - pass the mushrooms, please

Well, Remy's calendar is something to behold:

Monday: Dressage Lesson with Judy (yay, flying changes!)
Tuesday: Training with Judy, then home
Wednesday: Firearm training with Brandt and the Washtenaw Mounted Police
Thursday: Off
Friday: Demo horse for Cowboy Eventing (low level dressage test, obstacle course)

Following week: Three day horsemanship with cows clinic (I did sent a note to the organizer, warning them that I'll be the one with the dressage saddle, German accent, and no clues what to do with cattle). At least they can't say they hadn't been warned.

I'm really excited to be able for us to be exposed to such a variety of experiences. But me being the consummate worry-wart I wonder about the stress level for Remy. He is a cool customer (when he is not in a dressage warm up ring), but still... there are several horses with ulcers at the barn, and I sure don't want him to be one of them.

When Saumur was still competing I had him on a Mushroom supplement that is recommended by a German-American Olympian and is supposed to help with focus, relaxation, and also gut health. It seemed to have helped Saumur so I feel I have nothing to lose by giving it a try with Remy.

But really -JP is speaking- I should be the one taking the mushrooms. Hmm, wasn't that something people did in the 70s? Oh wait, different mushrooms! Or maybe not??

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