Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Note to self: Change your shirts - and "he likes his duvet"

Last night I paid for yesterday's ride in hot and sweaty conditions: My entire back muscles seized up, and I couldn't sleep because of the pain. Entirely my fault though: I had brought dry shirt to the barn to change out of my wet and sweaty one, but then decided I could live with the wet one on back for the ride home home. That wouldn't have been bad in itself (honestly, I was convinced I didn't smell!) but having the AC going at 'max.' did the trick. Ouch! Like Emil (my dad) always says: "Wer nicht hoeren kann muss fuehlen" (those who don't listen must feel). And right he is: I knew better than sitting in a wet shirt in a cold car - and my muscles sure made me feel the consequences.

Today I had another good ride, our canter half-passes are improving quite nicely. Judy got after me not to turn to early when going straight on the center line - as in half-pass from wall to centerline, then going straight and turn on the short side. It was funny because Remy could see his 'school bus' (our trailer) from the arena, and I could almost hear him say "Can I go home now, can I??".

Home we went, and as I finished the stalls JP materialized after me, checking my handiwork (I mean, get real, man, haven't your learned yet that I hate that??). But no, he brings another bag of shavings with the explanation "... but Remy likes his duvet!".  Quite frankly, I had no smart retort to this one.

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