Saturday, August 27, 2016

Gottago gottago - but not here, and not there, not anywhere

While yesterday's trailride was just perfect, weather, boys, bugs... all fell into place. Today was a new day, literally.

The morning started hot, humid, with the threat of a thunderstorm. We figured we get a move on while things were still relatively quiet. The mosquitoes had the same thought it seems, nasty little buggers. While Chambord was as steadfast as ever, Remy was plain cranky. Right when I got on I thought "uh, uh, back is tight as a drum - I bet he has to pee". Never mind that he had all opportunity in the world to go before I got on.

The trails were nice and soft, and we stopped to give him the opportunity to do his business. Nope, not doing it, I'd rather continue to be cranky, he said. I even got off on a nice sandy spot, hoping that would do the trick. When that did work I led him a for a bit and hopped back on, now getting grumpy myself.

Wouldn't you know it, once I got our cranky selves home, Remy let out a big sigh - and proceeded to flood his stall. Really, dude?? Jeez, you're a guy, what's the big deal - you are supposed to love to pee outside!

But wait - perhaps I'm making the wrong assumption here: I am thinking of all the Frenchmen I tried to ignore over the years on the side of freeways (or even on street corners) doing the deed. Obviously, Remy's heritage has Puritan roots and he disdains that practice. Duh!

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