Thursday, January 19, 2017

Following a hunch - and no, it's not just a bug up my a**

I've noticed lately that Remy's saddle seemed to be out of balance - again (!). Luanne had adjusted it not too long ago, but soon after I felt like a "back seat driver" again. My balance felt off to the back and my legs had a hard time staying under me. So I bugged Luanne again, in the hopes she would come and bring my new saddle. Yes, the same saddle I ordered last August and had to send back because the seat was horrible.

The new saddle hasn't materialized yet, but Luanne came today to adjust the current one again. Remy is still changing at a quick pace, and after measuring him Luanne confirmed that his withers are up more and the shoulders are broader. Thus my feeling of being a "backseat driver" was right on.

The new saddle is in the process of being completely rebuild - and it turns out I wasn't the only one complaining about the seat. Guess there are more of us with "sensitive bottoms and sharp seat bones" out there! It is irksome, to say the least, especially considering that the company claims to be the "female saddle specialist". They should be very thankful to have a great saddle fitter that tries very hard to keep the clients happy.

My other hunch was that there was something funky going on in Remy's left side of the mouth. He seemed fussy and mouthy lately, especially on the left, and he always tried to rub his left side. Crystal (our vet) checked his teeth yesterday. The teeth are fine, but she detected a small bump on his left bar (the toothless area where the bit sits). Nothing we can do right now to treat it, other than being careful and monitoring the area. Crystal recommended trying a different bit. Remy goes well in a HS snaffle, but I had tried 'Neue Schule' test bits in the last weeks. Hmm, I wonder??

Note to self: Always looking for the next best thing is not always a good thing! That also goes for you, Mr. Saddle-maker.

So, we'll give a Nathe bit a try next week, and I also went back to the basic headstall with just a caveson today.

I'm happy that following up on my hunches identified the problems and we are on track for the solutions. So no, it's not just "a bug up my a**" (as someone once said when I questioned saddle fit):  I do have valid points.
Ah, it's so good to be right :-)!!

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