Sunday, January 29, 2017

Sunday is Fun-Day - play time and hay cubes

Remy didn't get his weekend-pass, despite good behavior. The weather forecast was a bit iffy, and I didn't want to take the risk to trailer him in ice and snow. So we made it a play day instead.

Sunday afternoons at Judy's are usually quiet, and so we had the entire indoor arena to ourselves. I put Remy on the longe line with his halter only, and he was very happy to get some bucks out. The footing outside does not invite running and bucking, so I think the horses just need sometimes room to get the kinks out. It wasn't all just fun and play, we put in some 'work', focusing on transitions, and ground work. Remy backs up beautifully just by voice command. We also re-visited the "whoa" to stop. A well functioning "whoa" can be a life saver. I wish I'd thought about that before I ended up hugging the fence at Waterloo!

To top Remy's play day off, I served him hay cubes in warm water, mixed with bananas and carrots. Yum! Then I continued with my 'fun-day': A run to the feed store followed by doing laundry. However, no hay cubes in water for me: JP served dinner accompanied by a lovely Bordeaux!

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