Sunday, January 22, 2017

Too foggy to ride - and my clock is stuck

Yes, it's Michigan and our weather is known to be unpredictable, to say the least. While we should have snow and ice we are currently getting 'treated' to mud, mud, more mud, and fog. I feel like living in the old black and white Edgar Wallace movies from the 60s ("Der Hexer", Der Gruene Bogenschuetze"). There is not a ray of sunshine to be seen in those movies, and it's exactly the same here.

I took this picture during our walk this morning, it's our favorite oak tree in Kensington park. The fog was so dense that I put reflective bandanas on the dogs so they would not be mistaken for wildlife.

So, not braving the fog with the horses I went to a Feldenkrais-class instead "Awareness through Movement". It is held in an old, musty township hall. Slow is not my thing (that's the understatement of the year) and all the movements have to be done in slow motion.  While laying in my yoga mat trying to move my pelvis like a clock, the heat and dust blew full strength in my face. Someone had set the heat to 80F and the poor old heating system was trying it's darndest to comply by spewing hot dust. Make a long story short, between my non-complying pelvis ("clock - what clock??"), lack of oxygen, and the dust I was done.

On the bright side: The boys enjoyed their uninterrupted playtime tremendously while I was gone. They turned themselves from well-groomed, sleek horses into very muddy -and merry!- vagrants.

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