Wednesday, April 26, 2017

How much obedience do I want - and give?

Good riding day today, Remy was amenable to put an honest effort forward and we had very positive lesson. It's been a week since my last lesson with Judy, so I'm always a bit concerned about being 'rusty' and not on top of things. With Judy, you better be ready to buckle down and work. That's what I want and need, so it's a really good fit. Sure, there are days where I'd like to slack off, but in the end, I thrive on challenge.

Luckily I didn't have to buckle down too hard today, and while the changes are still a bit iffy (all due to yours truly) I feel things are progressing. During the ride I wondered how much of a "good little soldier" I really want Remy to be.

This came to my mind as I had a discussion with my (fairly new) boss who is visiting this week from France. I questioned some of the Executive Board's directives and he told me "sometimes you just have to be like a good soldier and take direction without questioning it". Uh, uh, I had to swallow hard on that one, and actually I'm still churning it around. I mean, this is not the battle of life or death here, and BTW, I thought I'm paid for using my brain!

While I wouldn't want my subordinates question every single decision I make, I encourage feedback and like to be challenged, I think it makes me a better leader. So, circling back to Remy, how much do I want him to question me?? While it certainly would be nice to have the perfect obedient little soldier that always says "Yes, Ma'am!" with his heels (uh, hooves) figuratively clicking, I think I would be bored. I don't want a mutiny either, but it's fun to figure out ways to make him see things my way and then have fun with it. Case in point: While initially Remy might whine about putting a serious effort in his shoulder-ins, in the end he is proud when he does awesome half-passes.

Too bad that it is often such a struggle with certain males of the human species, not the shoulder-ins, of course, but seeing things my way!

Sunday, April 23, 2017

I have a flat tire - uh, make that a saddle

Saumur's saddle on loan to Remy makes me think of the little Gecko with the British accent in an insurance commercial "I have a FLAT TIRE". Yep, the air panels seem to leak air and make the saddle sit too low. A frantic text to Luanne didn't give me much hope that Remy's reworked saddle will show up anytime soon. I've been patient with this company for a long time, mainly due to Luanne, but am getting to the end of my rope.

Luanne texted back that there is still gel in the air panels and to use a pad (i.e. a Thinline) with it. Glenda, Jack(y) of all trades when it comes to horses, recommended I get 1/2 inch felt and cut it to fit under the saddle. So I duly haunted the fabric stores (talk about feeling out of sync with the clientele) but no luck.

Out came my old Moosgummi (foam rubber) pad from Germany, and Remy loves it. Phew! We had a wonderful trailride today, it was just a lovely day and both Remy and Chambord were happy to be out and about. Chambord got a gold star for navigating a very tricky branch combination that bounced back at his belly when he stepped over it. Remy kept his cool at the right moment: Just when I was hanging upside down to tighten the girth a branch snapped behind us with a loud noise. Remy didn't even twitch a muscle: Cookies for all!

The boys might twitch some muscles when they see the surprise I bought today: Pinwheels for the outdoor arena... should be fun, especially on a windy day. Or at least I hope I live to NOT regret it!~