Barely back home it was time to take Remy to Brandt's "Confidence/Obstacle" clinic*. It was a great experience. While the obstacles were intimidating to the other horses Remy didn't bat an eye and marched through and on everything. Brandt knows our issues well, and sure enough Remy's "Equino-Phobia" was addressed. It means Remy gets worried when other horses come too close and he feels trapped. He shies and spins. Brandt had us go through a group of four other horses in various combinations, first in the walk, then in the trot. He also cantered really close to us, clearly invading Remy's comfort zone. It was a great learning experience, I was very happy with both of us. Sometimes I think it's me anticipating Remy's reaction that then gets Remy worried because he feels my tension and voila - the perfect storm.
Progress begins where your comfort zone ends.
*I will post a more detailed clinic report in the next days.
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