The little voice in my head says "If you ride in this you better ride darn well!" |
Roz honed in (or should I say try to get it in my thick skull) that Remy needs to be quicker and more responsive to my leg. With her being the third professional pointing it out you would think I'd get it!? Roz had some good exercises to address the problem, such as turn on the forehand to make Remy better listen to my leg: Halt - a few steps turn on the forehand - halt, a few steps, and so on.
In trot and canter we did shoulder in, straight to the center line, back to the wall, shoulder in. When doing the canter half-pass to the change I need to change before the corner, otherwise it all gets muddled. Our initial changes weren't very good or prompt, it all went back to Remy listening (or rather not) to my leg. Roz suggested doing the changes on a straight and short line across the arena and that did the trick. JP noted afterwards that the changes were "large" and clean, and I didn't "let the canter die" right before the change. Good observations from my live-in coach. He definitely earned the delicious fresh morel mushrooms my friend Glenda bestowed upon us!
As for the saddle: Riding in it felt good, and yes, I love the look. Is it THE one? I will give it a few more rides and if indeed it's THE one I might have to take a summer job ... or hire out JP :-)
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