Saturday, July 14, 2018

The Posture Clinic paid off - one thing he can't sulk about

Ah, Remy presented me with his 'bill' for my absence during Tuesday's lesson: He was sulking. I knew something was off the moment I got to the pasture and had to drag him back to the barn. He didn't pee in his stall before we left  (not good as that means his back is tight and he doesn't want to move forward), and sure enough, I felt like I had to press molasses in cold weather around. Roz took pity on me and gave me her (small) spurs as Remy was completely blowing my leg aids off. And no, having to 'go' was not an excuse - he had ample opportunity to relieve himself but he just didn't want to... dogs are definitely easier!

It took about all I had to get through my lesson in the stifling heat, but at least Remy was no worse for the wear. Grr!

Luckily we had the next day to make up for it, and wouldn't you know it, I had a changed horse. We took our brand new double bridle for its 'test drive', and to my great relief it fits and Remy likes it. It's tough to buy clothes for other people, uh, horses. The bridle has very soft vegetable tanned leather*, is well padded and has an anatomical design.

As Remy was back to his normal self it was so much easier for me to relax -no squeezing molasses- and focus on the job at hand. Roz commented on my position and that the clinic really has helped me a lot with my posture. My back is no longer so rigid, and overall the alignment is much better. At least that is one thing my "Petit Voyou" (Little Rascal) can't sulk about!

Vegetable-tanning is the true "chromium-free" method, and does not have harmful chemicals. It is an old-world, artisanal process that takes advantage from the tannic acids naturally found in some plant species, by using the barks, branches, leaves and even some fruits in some specific techniques. 

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