It seems not long ago I lamented the freezing temperatures. Well, complete turnaround: Heat Warning as temps are in the high 90sF (35C) with 'generous' humidity.
Good thing that the trailer ride to Roz' only takes about 30 minutes, and our trailer has windows that can be lowered thus allowing for more airflow. Remy can't stick his head out, there are safety bars, and he wears a fly mask to protect from dust. Another good -actually great- thing is that the arena is well ventilated, we don't have to work out in the sun, and -I repeat myself- I can breathe!
Back into the snaffle and from the beginning Remy started out soft and supple, going nicely forward. Roz introduced us to an exercise I really liked: Medium canter on the diagonal, trot at X, and proceed medium trot. Transitions, transitions... but going forward in the transitions. We are also getting more oomph in our flying changes, actually so much (after I tapped Remy lightly) that he jumped up and I ended up having quite some daylight between my rear end and the saddle. Roz commented "well, that one was in a half-seat but up and clean".
Our walk-pirouettes can feel quite 'sticky', but another good exercise got us on the right track: Think of half-pass and then move him around. That did the trick.
The one thing about the trailering to lessons I don't relish too much in hot weather is schlepping all the equipment: Saddle, bridle, girth, saddle pad, grooming kit, boots, helmet, gloves, water, spurs, fly spray, leg and tail protection, etc. - and then I do have a tendency to leave things behind. So I dug out the rolling saddle stand that sat abandoned under lots of dust in my tack room. I never liked it much because it's so heavy and cumbersome, but hey, beggars can't be choosers. It does reduce the trips from trailer to barn from three to one, and all the stuff is in one place (theoretically).
Speaking of schlepping stuff... Glenda sent me a reminder of what to pack for our trip Up North (Northern Michigan) for the Posture Clinic. Uff! All the aforementioned plus hay, shavings, buckets, feed - my paltry little suitcase will have to struggle for space. This reminds me of...
JP moving into my apartment in Germany. I couldn't believe my eyes when he showed up with his suitcases: The man had more shoes than I did! So really, I should be used to "Guys and their stuff" by now.
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