Sunday, June 24, 2018

I am lacking in the flexibility department - and yep, no good deed goes unpunished

Today I finally got myself motivated enough to go to a yoga class. It's been an on again-off again relationship, so it's been a while since I did something more than Yoga Nidra (laying there doing nothing but relax). However, there is a big motivating factor: I have signed up for a "Posture Clinic" = Pilates for riders. In the mornings there are mat and ball exercises, and then in the afternoons the -hopefully- well prepared muscles and ligaments will make tempi changes and canter zig-zags a breeze (wishful thinking on my part).

So Yin Yoga today. Yin Yoga is comprised of floor postures that are held longer (several minutes) to bring flexibility to hips, lower back and shoulders. While I consider myself fairly fit, it was painfully apparent that I lack in the flexibility department. I tried not to stare at the "Human Brezel*" next to me, a senior citizen no less. Guess a one-time try doesn't cut it, so back I go next week.

Drama on the home front: When I looked out the kitchen window I saw Jerry (the cat) sauntering towards the house with a 'gift': A big squirrel. Going back into VP mode I sent JP out to the squirrel rescue. Usually Jerry brings chipmunks that scamper off after being rescued by JP. This squirrel, however, did not appreciate the help: He sank his teeth deep into JPs hand. I give the man credit, he still saved the ungrateful critter, much to Jerry's dismay.

Big relief after a Google search: Squirrels do not carry rabies. Good deal, says Jerry, but I am vaccinated anyway.
Image result for Brezel
*A Pretzel  (German: Brezel) is a type of baked bread product made from dough most commonly shaped into a twisted knot. Pretzels originated in Europe, possibly by monastery monks in the Early Middle Ages. The traditional pretzel shape is a distinctive nonsymmetrical form, with the ends of a long strip of dough intertwined and then twisted back into itself in a certain way (a pretzel loop). [Wikipedia]

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