That's what younger children of the human and horse kind get: Hand me downs. When Remy came to me as a three year old he had to wear Saumur's saddle, made to fit with extra pads. Knowing he would change quickly I really didn't want to invest in a saddle for him until he had somewhat grown up. (And even that plan didn't pan out, Remy got his own adjustable custom saddle, and even outgrew that one ...).
Now it's time for the double bridle - and sure enough, what we will be starting out with is Saumur's 'retired' bridle.
Ah, it could be so easy … if the boys would wear the same bit sizes... Two Sprenger bits (bradoon and curb) can easily run around $450. I was able to sell Saumur's bradoon on eBay, but of course, the size I need for Remy is only available at full price.
The trick will be to resurrect (aka assemble) the bridle correctly, I had taken it apart for cleaning, but now the puzzle is getting it back together. I might let the engineer have a crack at it... if you can design cars you should be able to put a bridle together, right?
I was on my own getting Remy to my lesson today, JP had septic tank duty (waiting for the truck to show up). Yep, the joys of country living also encompass the unsavory task of having the septic tank pumped out every few years. So if you think your job sucks...
Luckily there weren't many cars in the driveway at the barn so I could get the trailer around the tree without side-swiping anyone. Whew!
We build on yesterday's lesson with more cool and effective exercises, like half-pass three steps, straight three steps, then half-pass again. I am now able to keep Remy more forward going into the changes, and they are happening. Now it's time to work on the quality. We got our homework assignments from Roz, and I can't wait for our lessons next week.
Actually, on second thought, a damper to our enthusiasm could be the weather: The forecast calls for temps in the mid 90s. Welcome to Michigan, where you go from deep freeze to fryer in a heartbeat!
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