Monday, June 18, 2018

Sunday starts with being left in the dust - and it's the bikes!

Heat advisory: High 90s with 'generous' humidity. Wonderful - if you are a deer fly. For the rest of us, not so much. So a 6 a.m. wake up it was in order to get a ride in before the height of the heat hit. The boys were game, and off we went. Initially we had planned to go all the way to the Huron River for a splash, but between the deer flies and the oppressing heat we decided to turn for home after about an hour in.

Getting closer to home we had a familiar discussion: JP wanted to use the dirt road, I wanted to stay on the trail. Cars are literally flying down that road, and visibility is at stretches lousy. So - I won. However, my win was a bit short lived: Coming up to a big hill JP wanted to canter, I not so much. That's the place where Saumur rather unceremoniously dumped JP in front of some unsuspecting people some years back, and I still remember that (JP was fine).

I was still arguing when I saw a flash of blond tail -Chambord's- taking off. Talk about being literally left in the dust by (what you believe) is your loving husband!

Not only did Chambord leave Remy in the dust - to add insult to injury some people on mountain bikes were whooshing by (the bike trail at some spots runs adjacent to the riding trail), overtaking him also. What's a guy to do? Remy opted for his go-to spook and spin in protest, but then calmed right down and we caught up with our two renegades. Remy: Happily sticking to Chambord, me: decidedly less happy sticking to the human runaway.

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