Sunday, January 6, 2019

Fixing my right arm - and this is January in Michigan??

It's amazing how the hunt seat lessons with Lisa improve my overall riding. Lisa noticed right away that my right arm often has a life of its own, and not in a good way. I am getting way too busy and I restrict Remy on the right. So Lisa used an excellent exercise: She had me carry my hunt crop horizontal between both hands and the reins, and then ride first straight and then on smaller circles. Wow! This really freed Remy up, and he motored along splendidly. (Note: If there is more British English creeping into my speech: I've been binge-watching Downton Abbey).

I do think that a lot of dressage riders could benefit from hunt seat lessons, and I don't mean the ones where the horse is on the forehand dragging its nose on the ground! As dressage riders we are usually Type A and 'somewhat' controlling personalities. So letting the horse go freely forward without managing each step, trusting the horse more to do its job is a great benefit.

Case in point: Two point and crest releases. Lisa also explained that the reason why a lot of horses rush after the fences is because the riders try to bring them back too quickly and not let the horse take a few more forward strides.

Winter in Michigan is at the moment non-existent. Yesterday the temps hit over 50F (10C) with beautiful sunshine. So after my early morning jumping lesson followed by the daily 5K with the dogs we woke the boys from their snooze in the sun and had fun on the trails. Such a good day deserved a celebration with giant carrots and a lobster roll dinner - for the boys and us, respectively.

"Global warming - what global warming??" asked the boys. It's *only* 50+F in January in Michigan!

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