Sunday, September 29, 2019

Horses, Oysters, Quiet Neighbors - and lots of learning

I had a wonderful time in New England with Doris and Ron. Educational, fun, and inspiring. The weather was perfect, warm and sunny early fall days. Driving in Rhode Island and Connecticut goes at a relaxed pace, but navigating the small country roads at night was a bit more challenging.

It was a good system of "Divide and Conquer": Annual review of my skills in the Masterson Method as well as in Equine Sports Massage with Doris, and then learning the Upper Suspension Technique developed and taught by Ron.

Cover of Ron Bouchard's book.
The picture shows the grandfather of one of his clients, Harold Skinner and his horse Ranger.

On Friday late afternoon we went to Matunuck where Doris and I had a relaxing walk on the beach while Ron was on "line duty" (waiting for a table) at the Matunuck Oyster Bar. We scored a table outside with a view of the ocean and next a heat lamp. Yay! While I don't "do" raw oysters, I felt adventurous enough to try the grilled ones. They were served with ample garlic butter, which I came to appreciate later in the evening... Still, better yet was the amazing lobster salad - Wow! JP sure missed out on that one (we both still salivate at the thought of the lobsters we had when we visited Donna in Maine).

The hotel I had booked in Norwich stated "quiet location". And quiet it was, at least on the outside (on the inside a rambunctious group of kids ran around until the wee hours).

"Hotel is in a quiet location"
True statement: The neighbors had left a long time ago.

Good thing the oysters were served with ample garlic, just in case...

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